
Grant NumberPrincipal InvestigatorGrant TitleDuration
skQCIPeter Skyba Slovak Quantum Communication Infrastructure2023-2025
IMPULZMartin GmitraTopological superconductivity in quantum 2D devices2022-2026
Plán obnovy a odolnosti SRMatúš Orendáč2D magnetizmus: skúmanie a riadenie magnetických stavov v 2D vrstvených materiáloch
APVV-23-0226Slavomír Gabáni Frustrated metallic magnetic systems.2024-2027
APVV-23-0624Pavol SzabóLow-dimensional Superconducting Devices2024-2027
VEGA 2/0093/22Marcel ČlovečkoClassical to quantum crossover in mechanical resonators2022-2025
VEGA 2/0091/24Gabriel PristášImprovement of the superconducting parameters of high-entropy alloys thin films2024-2027
VEGA 2/0073/24Jozef KačmarčíkNon-centrosymmetric superconductors2024-2027
VEGA 2/0034/24Slavomír Gabáni
Magnetic frustration and quantum oscillations in quasi 2D and 3D borides2024-2027
COST Action CA21144 H. Suderow /
P. Samuely
Superconducting Nanodevices and Quantum Materials for Coherent Manipulation (SUPERQUMAP)2022-2026
PartnersPrincipal InvestigatorName of project
Bilateral project between
GPI RAS Moscow and IEP SAS Košice
N. Sluchanko / K. FlachbartTransport, thermal and magnetic properties of rare earth compounds
Bilateral project between
Inst. Problems of Mater. Sci., Kiev and IEP SAS Košice
V. Paderno / K. FlachbartInvestigation of rare earth borides and composites based on them
Bilateral project between
Lancaster University and IEP SAS Košice
George Pickett / Peter SkybaQuasiparticle and spin dynamics in superfluid 3He phases at ultralow temperatures
Bilateral project between
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Bariloche, Argentina and IEP SAS Košice, Slovakia
Yanina Fasano /
Z. Vargaeštoková
Spectroscopic properties of strongly-correlated electronic systems with competing orders
Bilateral project between
NASU Ukraine and IEP SAS Košice
P. SamuelyPoint-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of emergent iron-based superconductors
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