
In the Center many different aspects of superconductivity are addressed. These are:
Supercondutor-Insulator Transition in thin films (Phys. Rev. B (R) 2020, App. Surf. Sci. 18,…)
Quantum criticality and quantum fluctuations in cuprates or graphite (Phys. Rev. Lett. 21, Nature 19,…)
Unusual behavior of misfit compounds (Phys. Rev. B 21, Adv. Funct. Mat. 20,…)
Single-gap vs. Two-gap superconductivity (Sci. Rep. 19, Phys. Rev. B (R) 16,…)
Superconductivity in boron dopes silicon or diamond (Nature 06, Phys. Rev. Lett. 06,…)
Superconductivity in nanodiamond films (Sci. Adv. 20, Phys. Rev. Matt. 19,…)
Strongly correlated systems
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Superfluid 3He physics
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